When Sleep is Sound
Health and Happiness Abound

The Best Sleep Apnea Apps You Might Not Know About
1- SnoreLab : Record Your Snoring
SnoreLab has helped millions of people to understand their snoring problem and to discover solutions to improve their sleep.
Effective algorithms
SnoreLab gives measurements of snoring intensity and duration. How high is your Snore Score? Try and reduce it!
Clear Recordings
Tap the chart to hear samples of your snoring or optionally record the whole night to hear every breath.
Easy to Use
Simply press start and place the device next to your bed. No calibration is required. SnoreLab has monitored more than 20 million nights of sleep
Discover Solutions
The app contains information on snoring remedy options and factors that influence snoring. We've helped hundreds of thousands of users reduce their snoring.
Trends Area
Compare your snoring over time and evaluate the effective of remedies and lifestyle changes.
Doctor Recommended
Many doctors, dentists and sleep professionals encourage their patients to use SnoreLab to assist their consultations and to measure the success of treatments.
2- Narcolepsy Screener App
Two narcolepsy screening tools are included in 1 app: the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and the Swiss Narcolepsy Scale (SNS).
3- Sleep Monitor: Sleep Recorder &Sleep Cycle Tracker
Sleep Monitor helps you track and record sleep cycle details. Sleep Monitor also has a smart alarm clock to remind you to sleep early at night and wake you up gently in the morning. In addition, Sleep Monitor provides relaxing sleep music to help you sleep better.
4- Resmed Monitor: Sleep Recorder &Sleep Cycle Tracker
Introducing the myNight™ mobile app. You deserve a better sleep every night
Do you wake up in the morning after a long night’s sleep and wonder why you still feel tired? Do you feel unfocused, drained, and have difficulty concentrating on tasks during the day? Has your partner complained about loud snoring or woke you up to let you know you sounded like you were choking or gasping for air while asleep?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s possible you have sleep apnea. If you’re not familiar with it—sleep apnea occurs when a person is asleep, and the muscles of their tongue and throat relax and expand to a size larger than they are when the person is awake. The relaxed muscles take up extra space, and as a result, airflow to the lungs is blocked. With the airway blocked, air from the nose and mouth cannot reach the lungs, and the person wakes up often gasping and choking for air.
Since this process happens repeatedly throughout the night, a person with sleep apnea rarely gets the rest they need to function at their highest levels throughout the day. The American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA) estimates that 22 million people in the U.S. are living with sleep apnea today, and 80 percent of them have undiagnosed moderate to severe untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)—one of the three types of sleep apnea.
OSA is manageable through continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Additionally, your smartphone or wearable sleep tracking device can also help you better manage your sleep and in some cases, even help uncover if you have sleep apnea.
While helpful, neither apps, smartphones, or smartwatches are substitutes for a sleep study. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, you’ll need to see a sleep apnea doctor who will then coordinate a sleep study for you to determine whether or not you need a CPAP machine.